Solusi Berpromosi ah yang bener masak Solusi Berpromosi ?? masih bingung masuk siini deh Solusi Berpromosi jika ingin tahu lebih banyak lagi :D

Catatan Blogger Seo Matre Ajib sebuah kontes SEO yang berlangsung cuma 1 bulan .mari kita dukung dengan 1000 blog di kontes Catatan Blogger Seo Matre Ajib dan jangan lupa juga mendukung kontes SEO Adalah Multiple Search Engine Popular tak ketinggalan juga kontes SEO tentang Festival Museum Nusantara .:D Adalah Multiple Search Engine Popular telah di dukung oleh 1000 blog meramaikan kontes SEO untuk melihat info lebih banyak klik link berikut ini Adalah Multiple Search Engine Popular

The myriad applications on online transactions extend to the colleges’ and universities’ expansion of services. Both connections are working for the benefit of the student population. Since the use of the web has been a rudimentary tool for learning - as used by students for research or for online education - it is a smart evolution to link college recruiting scholarship agencies to the net.

After a long period of internet marketing, online recruitment has alleviated the processes of searching for college scholarships, dropping the conventional falling in a long line and standing the heat, sweat and slow processes. Thus, switching from one recruitment company to another is just some clicks away. Not to mention that this is all for free - free from transportation expenses and quotation fees.

This makes it possible that at one time, you are studying the system in a particular scholarship grant of a university and all at once move to another. Then, you can easily compare the benefits, tuition and miscellaneous fees and the governing regulations of the different institutions.

The internet had provided free recruiting companies with credible information. All you had to do is find the directory of those with intellectual property rights and trademarks among the queue of names. Although certain procedures had been taken into account to filter the yellow pages of scams, the student must also be meticulous in choosing where to submit the scholarship grant application. Surely, no one would want his efforts to be wasted.

The online college scholarship recruiting companies offers many advantages. University visits are facilitated while they have the convenience of their privacy. In addition, instant answers are posted even before a query could be made because of FAQ links provided. Navigating the web also introduces other students to other places who are benefited of the scholarship, faculties and sponsoring individuals or companies.

When you have done enough surfing, you are ready to fill up an application form. This is of course after meeting the requirements of the scholarship grant that you intend to apply. The requirements are usually posted together with the ads of the scholarship recruitment company. Certain eligibility factors are considered in online college recruitment just like in the typical process. If you know that you are qualified in the standards set by the board, then there’s no reason to delay the application.

When submitting an application, make sure that you have attached with it the necessary documents. Incompletion of the requirements can lead to disqualification or voidance. In any way, you will receive a notice of acceptance or of denial of your application. If your application had been approved, well, congratulations then. It’s an achievement credited to you. But if your application has been denied, better try the next one. It’s all about persevering to achieve your goals, after all that is one principal quality of a scholar.

Because the college scholarship recruiting company aims to establish a connection between the student and the university, it also has the responsibility to present the admission process. Necessary information such as dates of enrolment, start of classes and orientation should be laid at the bulletin boards.

All these advantages are laid bare in the net. All you have to do is extend a little effort and scrutinize the validity of the recruiting company. All these sum up to the campaign of education for all.

So many of the plans for becoming wealthy and rich focus on "getting" and forget about "giving." These schemes are not based on a spiritual foundation. When God is in the equation, wealth (meaning well-being and wholeness) is assured.

tithing, prosperity, wealth, spirituality, God, well-being, wholeness, giving money, philanthropy

Article Body:
True prosperity has a spiritual basis. "God is the Source of your supply." So states Catherine Ponder in her wonderful book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Just as we engage God through prayer for that which we claim to be true, and we connect with God spiritually through the practice of meditation, so too do we give the GIFT of Tithing to consistently keep in touch with the Infinite Source of our supply, God.

"Systematic giving opens the way to systematic receiving," according to Dr. Ponder. Giving to God 10% of that which we have received to persons or places where you are receiving your spiritual nourishment allows you to enjoy true prosperity with wondrous results.

The practice of the ancient law of prosperity is as old as we are as a species. From primitive man who offered sacrifices to his gods to evolving civilizations of Egyptians, Babylonians and Arabians, Greeks, Romans and Chinese, tithing (the word "tithe" means "tenth") was a way of life. "The ancients intuitively knew that giving, sharing and putting God first financially was the first step to permanent, enduring prosperity," writes author Ponder. They felt that ten was the magic number of increase.

Some of the most prominent millionaires of the twentieth century attributed their extraordinary success to the practice of tithing. Catherine Ponder reports, "In 1855, as a young man, John D. Rockefeller began tithing. His total income for that year was $95.00 from which he tithed $9.50 to his church." However, she goes on to say, "between 1855 and 1934, he gave away $531 million dollars. His standard reply to critics of his generosity was ‘God gave me my money.’"

So many of the plans for becoming wealthy and rich focus on "getting" and forget about "giving." These schemes are not based on a spiritual foundation. When God is in the equation, wealth (meaning well-being and wholeness) is assured.

So what are we really doing when we are giving the GIFT of Tithing? We are saying, "Thank you, God" for the generous bounty that we have received. I recently read the most revealing paragraph in Joel Goldsmith’s book, Consciousness Transformed. In it he states: "A mistake has been made on the subject of tithing. Since it was discovered that those who tithe never know lack or limitation, it was believed that if you would teach this to people, they would always be prosperous," writes the founder of the Infinite Way. "This is not true," he continues. "Tithing is something that can only take place when individuals receive inwardly the realization of what great gifts of God they have received, and in gratitude decide to share some part of it," Joel says. "This sharing is just with the idea of thankfulness for the realization of God’s grace, and it is for this reason that those who spontaneously come to tithe are always generously and abundantly provided for," Mr. Goldsmith concludes. Tithing is the active ingredient of Gratitude that prospers not only the tither but the recipient of the tithe as well.

Tithing is the act of giving gratitude for the 100% we received by leaving 10% with our Source-that is, the person(s) or place(s) where we realize the Presence of God in our lives. Traditionally tithing has been associated with giving to the place of worship to which we belong. Often, "theologians have tended to stress what tithing would do for the church, instead of what it could do for the tither," says Dr. Catherine Ponder. Yet, upon closer examination of Tithing as a spiritual practice (not a mechanical one of obligation), we can only conclude that it is the individual who will be prospered and blessed through tithing. Naturally, the recipient will be too, since it’s all God.

There are countless stories about the financial, prosperous success that comes from giving the GIFT of Tithing. "Since I have been tithing, I have more money to spend, not less," reports one student of this class. "I put in my tithe last week and suddenly the check that I have been expecting for months came in the mail." "Since the start of this class and my stepping into giving the GIFT of Tithing, my house sold." The stories go on and on. I have also heard this one repeated: "I was thriving financially and in so many ways when I was in class, but I stopped Tithing after it was over and I'm back in the same ‘soup’ I was in before."

So what can you expect when you begin to give the GIFT of Tithing?

• Fear usually shows up. I don't have enough now. How can I possibly...?

• Memories of previous associations with the word "tithe" may surface.

• Trust will become the plank to walk when beginning this practice.

• Surprise may ensue when you notice the amount of money you have to use after giving 10% to God.

• Doubt may surface when the above is not the immediate experience or when unexpected expenses show up instead.

• You may be surprised at the wisdom and judgment you are using to manage the money you have been given.

• You will enjoy the ease with which you are able to meet your financial obligations.

• You will notice that your connection in God deepens and thus your spiritual life expands and your consciousness of wealth grows.

• You will find that you want to give more than 10% to a variety of places of spiritual nourishment.

• You'll wonder how you ever managed to live without giving the GIFT of Tithing.

When low rise jeans first came out, I knew there was no way this body was ever even going to attempt wearing them.

jeans, low rise jeans, tight jeans, fashion, shopping, style

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When low rise jeans first came out, I knew there was no way this body was ever even going to attempt wearing them.

As I have grown older the idea of wearing the stylish jeans of the younger generation has never really been my thing. I don't exactly have a pot belly, but these jeans seem to demand a six pack stomach and alas, this is not the case with me. Besides, they look so uncomfortable and I wonder if they get any lower when you try to sit down. Oh well, not too be too outdated, I will wear the mid-rise jeans.

The older I get, the more I am constantly wrestling with the idea that I am no longer the young stud I use to be. Jeans are one of the clothing items that I of course still wear a lot of, but my style is much different than that of my sons.

I have never professed to being the king of fashion by any means, but I'm trying to balance my own body needs with the current fashion trends. I definitely don't want to wear the low rise baggy jeans that I'm seeing all over the television, they just will not flatter me or look appropriate for my age. But I like to try and look as good as possible with what I have to work with.

I have found that the regular rise of jeans or tight jeans works really well for me and helps to camouflage the fact that my stomach is slowly growing with age. I work out and stay healthy but nothing I do seems to be able to totally get rid of this little belly I have. But I guess that is just part of growing old.

Low rise jeans are pretty cool looking and I'm sure many of us middle aged men have at least tried a pair of them out, but I still have not seen anyone over the age of 40 that they really looked ok on.

My son's on the other hand absolutely love low rise jeans and I think that is pretty much all they own. Every time we are at the mall they are asking for another pair of jeans. It is an anomaly that they have so many jeans but continue to need more. But I guess since jeans are the current fashion trend there is really nothing my wife or I can do about it.

Low rise jeans are a great invention, but they really are strictly for women and the younger crowd, I'll stick to my regular jeans.

"It's what you learn when you think you know everything that counts the most in life."
Basketball Coach John Wooden

What's the "secret" behind successful business owners? It's simple - they have a coach. We all have blind spots, particularly when it comes to our business. Have you noticed how easy it is to give advice, but when it comes to your life you can't see the whole picture? Emotions can get in the way of making clear decisions.

Who do you turn to when you need...

Coach, Communication, Success, Results, Money, Time, simplify,effective

Article Body:
"It's what you learn when you think you know everything that counts the most in life."
Basketball Coach John Wooden

What's the "secret" behind successful business owners? It's simple - they have a coach. We all have blind spots, particularly when it comes to our business. Have you noticed how easy it is to give advice, but when it comes to your life you can't see the whole picture? Emotions can get in the way of making clear decisions.

Who do you turn to when you need answers?

Do you operate your business from the highest level of thinking and action?
Do you feel you are doing all you can, and yet, it just isn't enough?
The old model of learning from your mistakes is not effective. It's too expensive and time consuming. A single mistake can ruin you in today's fast paced business environment. A coach is an inexpensive insurance policy. Coaching is a profession that has synthesized the best from psychology, business, communication, mentoring, consulting, sports, philosophy, spirituality, sports and finance. A coach challenges you, and provides the tools, structure and support you need. A coach draws the answers out of you and bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to go.

Why do entrepreneurs turn to coaches?

To get an objective viewpoint from someone who has no hidden agenda.
To have consistent structure, support and accountability.
To maximize and leverage every action, investment and opportunity in your life, while minimizing your effort and risks.
When a business owner hires a coach it demonstrates strength and a willingness to take responsibility to grow themselves and their business. Just talking about your thoughts, emotions, and ideas can generate solutions. Many business owners who continually churn their businesses in their mind, drain themselves of the very energy required to run their business with clarity. Bouncing your concerns and ideas with a coach who sees things outside the box that you operate from, can provide obvious solutions.

What is a coach?

Coaching is a profession that has synthesized the best from psychology, business, communication, mentoring, consulting, sports, philosophy, spirituality, sports and finance. A coach challenges you, and provides the tools, structure and support you need. A coach draws the answers out of you and bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to go. A coach is like having a personal trainer for your life and business.

The Seven Secrets To Effortless Success!

1. Identity Your Recipe For Success.

What's the real difference between success and failure? Some people may argue that it's having a great attitude, money, luck or perseverance. The real difference is only one thing - It's the ability to be consistent. You can have a great attitude or perseverance, but if you only have it one or two days a week your life will look like a roller coaster. True success is something you create consistently. What's your recipe for success? Identify the specifics of your successful days: What are you thinking? How do you walk? How are you breathing? What kind of people are around you? Are you taking care of your body? Did you work out today? What types of food are you putting into your body to fuel you? All of these components begin the process of
identifying your special recipe for success. Once you have identified it, duplicate it consistently to maintain an upward movement of quantifiable results.

2. Eliminate The Hassles Of Life.

Suffering is optional! Stop suffering, tolerating and hoping. There's a huge addiction in our culture among entrepreneurs that's rarely recognized. It's the addiction to adrenaline. Adrenaline is a source of energy. It's not the healthiest source of energy, and yet people will do anything to get it. Adrenaline is a habit that creates an unhealthy lifestyle. Here are some symptoms of adrenaline:

Rushing around and juggling as many projects as possible all at once.
Speeding in your car.
Always looking at the clock.
Filing up your gas tank on empty.
Messy desk with piles everywhere.
Never saying "no" to projects.
Over promising your results.
Adrenaline addiction runs rampant among entrepreneurs because the common belief holds that adrenaline equals success. Gordon Bahary, president of Electric Kingdom Records used to run his life on adrenaline. "I used to create situations that developed adrenaline. I would drink coffee, eat sugar, get hyped, angry and excited more than was necessary. I planned my execution of tasks in an erratic fashion just to get the adrenaline rush. I was dependent upon something external pushing me and used adrenaline to get through my day. Now I'm clear about my real talents and draw genuine energy from within. I have time to stop and think and gained a love for my discipline of not running on adrenaline."

The paradox of attraction is - if you want to achieve more, do less. It's called irresistible attraction. By eliminating adrenaline you naturally attract success, reduce stress, integrate all aspects of your life, simplify, and reorient around what makes you the happiest. What good is increased productivity and profitability if you're not happy?

3. Get Your Needs Met And Communicate More Effectively.

It's important to be clear about what you need and to communicate it elegantly. Needs are not optional. It's what you don't know about you that really runs you. Unmet needs can run your life, until you identify them and take complete responsibility for fulfilling them in healthy ways. Have the language you need to handle confrontations. When people avoid confrontations their lives get messy. When you have the skills to communicate effectively, you have quality relationships and restore your integrity. Learn how to come across better, listen, influence, coach, motivate, inspire and support others.

4. Create Reserves.

Business owners tend to run their business on the edge. They get so caught up with their ideas that they invest everything into their ventures and want to make it happen all now! Business owners tend to exhaust their reserves quicker and faster than any other group of people, because they are creative and come up with so many ideas that require attention. The solution is to create reserves in every area. You want to have more than enough so that you are always operating from reserves. When you operate on close to empty you react to every situation in life. With reserves you respond to life. When you respond you're always at choice.

How do you build reserves? Begin by creating new standards of doubling everything, i.e time, money, opportunities, clients, friends, energy, etc. Fill your gas tank when it's on half a tank instead of waiting until it's on empty. Buy two boxes of fax paper versus one. Hold money in separate reserve accounts for new projects. Say "no" more. Stop over promising and begin to under promise. Operating with reserves make you more attractive. People will gravitate to you and seek you out to do business. With reserves comes fewer errors, space to create the future, time to do complete work and the ability to maintain integrity.

5. Work "On" Your Business Instead Of "In" It.

Insightful business owner's are wise not to work "IN" their business, but know that real money and success come from working "ON" their business. When you work "IN" your business you think like an employee, do tasks that you can do that others should be doing, and work really hard. When you work "ON" your business, you orchestrate the work of others, you step back daily to get a helicopter view of where you're heading and plan your business for long term growth.

It's very easy for new business owners to get engrossed and consumed with their business. While it's important to understand how to run and operate your business it is equally important to stop and set up structures and systems so that anyone can do the job the same way. You're probably worth more than your making. Why charge what you think you are worth. Charge what others are charging. What other products and services can you market to your existing client's? Stop chasing, selling and promoting your business and begin to effortlessly attract . The key here is to have an extremely profitable business. Question all your expenses. Leverage your ability to improve the financial bottom line, make money, add more value to your customers, and increase productivity. The key is to have money instead of money having you. Remember the mission and forget the commission.

6. Get Rid Of All The Stuff In The Way

Eliminate the distractions of problems, incompletions and tolerations and increase productivity. Everything you tolerate claims a piece of your creative and physical energy. Tolerations drain you of the resources required for a successful business. " Getting rid of my tolerations was the most freeing thing I've ever done. I never realized how much energy was being drained from tolerations. Everyday I walked in and got annoyed at my messy desk. Now my desk is organized, I have more energy to use on more important things, like growing my business." Says Mike Schneider, president of Ki Sales.

What are incompletes and tolerations? The piles you have in your office, projects you plan to start, unfilled tax receipts or forms, unread magazines, legal matters, the dent on your car, conversations you need to have, etc. Set up a plan to resolve tolerations and structure a way to eliminate them permanently. How? Identify and eliminate the cause of your tolerations, so they don't come up again. "I constantly look for ways to make my life easier. When issues comes up I don't just look to resolve them, I look for solutions so the problems never resurface." Says Pete Fioretti, president of Mountain Funding.

7. Discover Your Strengths and Orient Your Business Around Them.

What are your strengths? Unfortunately we learn as children to get good at the things we are not good at. For instance, if you had a natural talent in art and failed in math, your parents would hire you a math tutor instead of an art teacher to embellish your innate strengths. When you spend your life trying to get good at things that don't come naturally to you, mediocrity is at best what you can expect. The secret key to effortless success is to identify your strengths and talents and do only those things.

Jan Guarino, president of Guarino Graphics was struggling with her growing business. She spent her time wearing every hat in her company. By the end of the month profits were not growing. She finally stopped doing what she didn't enjoy. She delegated the administration, and took control of graphic design and sales, and her company profits more than doubled.

If you are not certain what your gifts are, it may be difficult to discover it yourself. How do you discover your strengths? Ask five people that know you well what they believe your gifts are. In that dialogue with them you'll discover it.

Are You A Coaching Candidate?
1. Do you spend your day putting out fires?
2. Do you have any concerns about your business running at maximum profitability?
3. Do you run your business on the edge?
4. Do the same problems continually resurface?
5. Do you have difficulty finding someone you trust who can give you an objective viewpoint and bounce ideas off of?
6. Is your business running you ?
7. Do you find that you are unable to make the most of all the opportunities in your life?
8. Do you experience roller coaster highs and lows in your business?
9. Do you have a lone ranger lifestyle?
10. Do you allow your goals and purpose to get sidetracked?
11. Do you lack having a clear, measurable action plan to fulfill your goals?
12. Do you lack structure?
13. Do you lack inner fulfillment?
14. Do you spend most of your day working "in" your business instead of "on" it?
15. Are you a workaholic?
16. Are you experiencing a lack of balance in your life and business?
17. Are you committed to growing yourself and your company?
18. Are you coachable? (Are you willing to hear and act on another's person's viewpoint?)
19. Do you lack a clear financial plan for your future?
20. Are you willing to be truthful and restore your integrity?

* If you answered yes to more than three of these questions you can benefit from a coach.

Taking a motorcycle safety course is a very responsible action, especially if you are new to the concept of riding one. You will learn valuable information about how to properly operate your motorcycle. You will also learn about preventative issues so that you are less likely to be involved in an accident. Most insurance companies will also offer you a discount on motorcycle insurance if you have completed such a course. You will also be more prepared for the written and skills testing to obtain your motorcycle license.

Taking a motorcycle safety course won’t benefit you if it doesn’t offer the necessary information. Don’t be drawn into a low cost course that is compacted into only a couple of hours. Since you will be spending a great deal of time on your motorcycle, it is important that you have a solid foundation of information from which to draw from. The instructors should be well educated in the areas they are teaching. Don’t be afraid to ask for credentials.

Before you sign up for a motorcycle safety course, ask questions. Find out what the itinerary will be as well as if you will get a certificate upon completing the course. Make sure the information that will be covered is going to sufficiently cover all the areas. Find out how many instructors there will be as well as how many students will be in each class. Smaller classes make for a better learning environment.

Talk to your friends, family members, and co-workers. Find out if they or their spouse has taken an motorcycle safety course. If they have find out when and who sponsored it. Ask them what they liked about it as well as what they would have liked to have seen differently. This can offer you a great source of information about the quality of a particular instructor.

Your safety course should teach you about each part of your motorcycle. You will also need to learn about basic maintenance and emergency repairs that you may have to do while on a bike ride. You will want to learn about how the various road conditions can affect your motorcycles performance. Don’t wait until you are out in the rain or snow to find out how differently your bike handles.

Since safety equipment is a vital part of operating a motorcycle, your instructor should help you will determining the right safety equipment for you as well as how to wear it properly. No motorcycle safety instructor should be allowing any member of the class to participate without the proper safety equipment at all times.

Part of a good motorcycle safety course should include teaching you driving defensively. It isn’t simply enough to know how to operate your motorcycle. Keep in mind that motorcycles easily get into the blind spots of vehicles and large trucks. You have to be alert to the reactions of other people on the road for your own safety as well as that of those on the road with you. This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly.

With more than 4 million licensed motorcycle operators in the United States, it is important that they have been properly trained in how to operate their equipment. One small mistake can lead to a serious accident. Learning the basic information as you start out operating a motorcycle will give you the best opportunity for it to be fun, memorable experiences for you.

You can find out about motorcycle safety courses in your area by looking on the internet. You can also contact local motorcycle associations in your area. Many of them offer such safety courses taught by experienced riders as part of their commitment to the community and to their organization. You can also contact the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. While you may feel that you are qualified enough to operate a motorcycle without such a class, keep in mind that there may be valuable information that you never considered thinking about offered. If this isn’t a good incentive, then keep that insurance discount in mind!

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